
Me! :)

Hi everyone! I'm Sarah Anne and welcome to my blog! I'm obsessed with all things preppy and I'm a firm believer in the power of a good Southern woman. ;) I'm known to ALWAYS be wearing something pink and I rarely leave the house without my pearl earrings. I'm a proud brown eyed belle and plan to stay that way!
I go to a smallish private high school in the South and am a rising junior this year. I look forward to all the challenging and exciting things happening in my life right now and hope to share as many as possible with you!
One of my favorite things in the world is fashion, especially, the southern preppy style. Bows, Lilly P, and cowboy boots are some of my best friends (forever). I hope my blog will lend you some fashion inspiration and help prep up your world!
I hope you like my blog and visit again soon! Tootles!

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